We’d love to receive donations to our local chapter. Donations can be for a specific project, area of our work, in honor of someone or in memory of someone.
1. We are very excited about a current project at the Wetlands property. We invite you to join us. In 2018 board and chapter members began the project- buckthorn eradication- on a section along the trail. We received a donation in 2019 from a Family Foundation to continue the work on buckthorn eradication. With that donation we hired Prairie Restoration to remove more in another section. Members of our board added hours to the work. In 2020 we received a second donation because the work was viewed as being well done. This time our board matched that donation. Another large area was cleared, with burning of the piles. We applied for and were awarded a grant from the Mn. Division to add another small section.
We are available to answer questions about this project.
We need donations so we can complete the trail loop as well as the islands in our pond. We are counting on the hundreds of visitors to our property to contribute to be a part of this environmental work.
This work will enable us to bring back native plants and make the property a haven for migrating birds.
2.We are currently working on making our historic cabin more conservation minded
with plans based on an energy audit.
3. Another focus to donate to is our Scholarship Fund for local students
who demonstrate excellence in learning and sharing about conservation topics.
Make checks payable to Rochester MN Izaak Walton League.
Indicate if you want your donation to go to a specific area.
Mail to:
Rochester MN Izaak Walton League
PO Box 431
Rochester, Mn. 55903
or donate using Pay Pay at top of page
or reach out on our Facebook page.